Friday, March 21, 2014

Assassins: why markers are worse than Sandy Hook

This isn't a normal philosophical blog post I'm writing, I'm just venting here, thank you. I'm only doing this now because school's found the need to overshadow all of us with homework.

At my school, the seniors play a game called Assassins. When you apply for the game, you're given a marker and a target (another student), and your goal is to mark your target's skin with your marker (above the neck is prohibited). Easy, right? Well, you've also been given as a target to another person whose goal is to mark you with their marker, thus ensuring a constant feeling of paranoia.

This game always looked and sounded like the awesomest game ever, and I really was looking forward to participating myself, then at the beginning of the week, someone saw an opportunity to be an asshole.

Before the game could take place this Monday, some 'concerned viewer' heard of the game and went to put a stop to it. Anyone with an IQ over 60 would go confront the principal about it, learn about the game, and either keep their position or change their mind. Nope, this person went straight to KXAN news. Not only did this person want to put a stop to it, but they also wanted to make a huge fuss about it and make the whole thing louder than it needed to be.

The person apparently said the game was violent and, according to the article, "cited multiple recent school shootings, including Sandy Hook". First of all, right off the bat, all I can say is this: Sandy Hook? really? are you that fucking stupid? The only violent thing about the game is the name, and even that doesn't have violent implications in a fucking school building (A government building, maybe). The game isn't even violent in the first place, all the student do is mark on exposed skin with a marker. There aren't any switchblades hidden in the hilts, no secret spring loaded syringes filled with poison, it's just a plain old fucking red marker.

beware of the deadly red marker
The person who ratted out my school is suspected by some to be an Anderson high school mother, the high school that got caught 3 years ago when they played the game with Nerf guns. Obviously, if this is true, this bitch is just a sore loser. They got caught and now they're ratting out my school. Anderson played the game with Nerf guns, which can actually be dangerous and cause violence way more than a marker. Their school deserved to get caught, ours didn't. In fact, our school actually tried to make it safer. Fuck us, right? Our school isn't even violent in the first place, especially compared to the surrounding area. 

Austin ISD heard about this soon after, and quickly gave a statement that violence themed games wouldn't be tolerated on school grounds. Bullshit, AISD met with our principal, they know how the game is played, anyone could see it's not violent. All AISD is doing is just rolling over on command to avoid a lawsuit which they don't want to pay for. Fuck AISD, they may be nice, but they are incredibly lenient to outside influence.

Some idiot even said it was a distraction to learning and served no educational purpose whatsoever. Imagine that, a game played only between classes and before and after school, is a distraction to learning; bullshit. Also, I can name a lot of electives that serve no educational purpose whatsoever, so that point is successfully refuted.

I'm not pissed about Assassins being cancelled, I'm pissed about the fact that the reasons why it was cancelled, as they're all bullshit and biased. If this person would've just went to the principal (fuck, they could've just asked any student about it) in the first place (and not compared the game to Sandy Hook), this huge uproar would've been avoided entirely, less people would've been pissed off, and I could've assassinated some people 2 years from now. 

This has been a friendly ranting post, and I must now turn back to my shitload of schoolwork (yes, I will write a post about that, too) and attempt to regain my mental health over the weekend. Peace out, guys, hopefully I'll be alive to write another blog post for you guys.


  1. Ah yes, assassins. Can we petition to AISD about this and get absolutely nothing done, yes. Will we try, maybe (I want to get a group of all LASA students and petition against AISD). Will we show that AISD gives fuck all about us getting educated, except to get their money, maybe. It really depends on their response.

    1. yeah because internet permissions TOTALLY worked with Firefly

      (needless to say, you'd have my support)
