Thursday, April 9, 2015

I Can't Actually Think Of A Random Title, Which Makes This Title Even More Random

Alright, so despite writing on my weekly progress report (in notecard form, as specified) that I was going to get on task and refrain from stress-writing in class, here I am with music to fit the occasion.

I've always been completely honest with my notecards, explaining that, yes, it's been three weeks and haven't made any progress on the project whatsoever, and even though my teacher isn't expected to care enough to actually read them, he probably does, and knows about my situation from the notecard reports. Tuesday I met with my counselor and we talked about what shit was going on in my life (you can guess what shit it was), and I'm unaware how, but our conversation somehow drifted towards me, and what I was doing in response to domestic stress. She told me that I was a great writer, and I had tons of friends, and I felt pretty proud of myself. I left her office with a little spring in my step, especially since she took a note off the "compliment board" outside her office (there are written compliments pinned to it, and the idea is you take one and give it to someone who you think needs it) and handed it to me, a note that read, "you are a force for good".

The rest of the day was spent finishing off the latest chapter of my fanfic with relish, then in theatre playing Cards Against Humanity with some dear friends. Tuesday was great, and then on Wednesday I managed to be productive in all my classes. Of course, it was made even greater by the news that my mom received a potential job opportunity by the mother of one of my friends. I have no idea if said friend told his mother about our situation, having known about it from my blog posts, but even so, thanks Hunter.

Now, can I be your third wheel for an entire summer?
Today was a late start, and the shortened period in AVP meant we didn't have time to film (either that or the lack of microphones). English we did a practice AP multiple choice, which I managed to get a good grade on, and then in Robotics I wrote a notecard and told my teacher through my writing that I've been lazy for the past six weeks, but next week I'm gonna get something done, since my experience with my parents' divorce has encountered a spotlight through the clouds. That's when it hit me: life is good.

When I bitch about the things going on in my life, naturally due to my ability to write you assume it's greater than it is, since I can make someone feel the hurt that I feel currently with my words. Then again, one's pain measures the stress of a situation, so whatever (I'm trying to be profound, don't judge). Life's been pretty tough lately, having to put my arm around my own mother at times. Not only that, but my sister and I have also grown closer as a result of these events, having to cling to each other for comfort. It's almost as if we're more of a family than we were before the divorce, even to the point where we're slowly dragging my mom's boyfriend into it with no hope of escape. Sorry, Andy.

There are times when we're so lost in the shit that oppresses us that we can't imagine not being oppressed at all. It's like stockholm syndrome, when a person takes so much shit through their life, they expect you to be mad at them for things that aren't even worth getting mad about. It's not their fault, it's just that they're dealing with people who don't really love them. Sometimes people leave us, and sometimes it hurts, but all you really need to do is learn to cope, to find some reason to justify their leaving. One of my friends constantly blames herself for everything, even for the group of 'friends' that told her to get lost. I love her so much as a friend and am always there for her, and yet she can't see that she is not the victimizer in this situation. Her so-called friends said, "hey, we don't want you around anymore" via text. The worst part is how she can't see how callous these so-called friends are. They're a bunch of bitches, and she shouldn't blame herself for not being liked. I'm well known, and I've encountered a lot of people, and it's absolutely impossible that I'll find a way to be liked and loved by everyone. The important thing is to love yourself and move on.

Aesop's Fables. Read them, people! They're better than the bible!
Life sucks at times, but it doesn't matter how much it sucks. People say, "if life is so bad, then why is it worth it?" I'll tell you why: because of the good in between. Gilbert and Sullivan, in their operetta "Patience", write in a noble who joined the military, who explains his reasoning by simplifying it down to simply Toffee. "Everyone loves Toffee, right? Now imagine, toffee for breakfast, toffee for lunch, toffee for dinner every day! Why, one would be disgusted at the very mentioning of the word toffee!" The simple lessons in Gilbert and Sullivan are what resonate culturally with me, and I think one of the most certain things I've learned from it is that if you're not a background character, your love life is either going to go very good or very bad, in which case I will quote War Games in that "the only winning move is not to play"

But still, keep an eye on the game, because it might get interesting, and it will, for you and everyone else.

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