Thursday, September 4, 2014

So That's What Happy Hour Feels Like...

Okay, so my mom's revealed that she doesn't like my blog posts being posted under my name because most seem depressing and apparently colleges wouldn't want a depressed person who thinks like this at their school.

Fuck them, this blog post is a happy one.

Today in AVP we watched a movie, a good movie, to say the least. Today we watched "3 O'clock High", a classic 90s movie that turned out to be amazing. Basically, it's about this senior in high school who gets on the bad side of a new kid at school (who's the exact stereotype of a bully), and the bully, Buddy, challenges him to a fight in the parking lot at 3. The main character, Jerry, spends his entire day trying to find ways to get out of it, including seducing his English teacher and bribing the biggest football player in school, Craig, to act as backup (who ends up getting his ass handed to him). In the end, Jerry, faced with no other alternative, says "fuck it" and rides out to battle (especially since he almost bangs his girlfriend by that time) and faces down Buddy. After his best friend and girlfriend attempt to take Buddy down and get flung to the side, and Buddy takes down two cops who try to stop him, Jerry finally subdues Buddy with one extremely telegraphed punch (yes, even more than the one in Back to the Future), and the movie ends with him being the most popular guy in school. I recommend checking this out.

Now, I enjoyed the movie, I really did, but the movie itself isn't what I loved most of all. I loved the aftereffect, I loved the way I felt walking out of that classroom right after the movie ended. I loved the adrenaline rush I was given. I felt like I usually want to be, I felt confident, amazing, I felt like I was on top of the world. Somehow, that rush managed to pervade itself halfway through English.

I was sad that this feeling ended, as it inevitably did, although it wasn't because I had to face a bully. I was sad because I liked it, and it ended, but not entirely. The main adrenaline rush this morning may have worn down after an hour, but I still felt like a badass. I was exactly who I wanted to be, and goddamn, it was amazing. Even at the end of the day, the rain stopped right before I walked outside the theatre to my bus, and I felt even better.

Earn that paycheck, Tyrese! ...oh, wait...
Now, the obligatory news on my relationship status. Yes, I talked to her, barely. Sadly this was before my adrenaline rush and had I encountered her after said adrenaline rush, I probably would've had the courage to ask her out. Maybe. Then again, we're talking about a girl who gives inferiority issues to a guy who can be exceedingly vain, so no guarantees.

This adrenaline rush is more than just me being awesome for one day. Any asshole can be awesome for one day, and this is more than that. This adrenaline rush gave me courage that I didn't need, and it gave me the knowledge that I don't have to be the guy I was yesterday. Yesterday I would've just been who I was, been the standard weirdo in school fool of weirdos (believe it or not, that might force people to be more weird), but today?

Today I rocked the world, and I'll do it again tomorrow, as who needs an adrenaline rush to be awesome?

Well...maybe Jerry.

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